These commands perform the standard tasks of cutting and copying data to the clipboard, pasting from the clipboard into the document, and clearing the document. can_paste() returns True if the document isn’t read-only and if the selection doesn’t contain protected text. If you need a “can copy” or “can cut”, use get_selection_start() get_selection_end(), which will be non-zero if you can copy or cut to the clipboard.
GTK+ does not really support can_paste() and always returns True unless the document is read-only.
On X, the clipboard is asynchronous and may require several messages between the destination and source applications. Data from paste() will not arrive in the document immediately.
gtkscintilla.Scintilla.copy_allow_line() works the same as copy() except that if the selection is empty then the current line is copied.
copy_range() copies a range of text from the document to the system clipboard and gtkscintilla.Scintilla.copy_text() copies a supplied piece of text to the system clipboard.