This will attempt to scroll the display by the number of columns and lines that you specify. Positive line values increase the line number at the top of the screen (i.e. they move the text upwards as far as the user is concerned), Negative line values do the reverse.
The column measure is the width of a space in the default style. Positive values increase the column at the left edge of the view (i.e. they move the text leftwards as far as the user is concerned). Negative values do the reverse.
See also
If the current position (this is the caret if there is no selection) is not visible, the view is scrolled to make it visible according to the current caret policy.
Caret policy description has to be done.
The horizontal scroll bar is only displayed if it is needed for the assumed width. If you never wish to see it, call set_h_scroll_bar() (0). Use set_h_scroll_bar() (1) to enable it again. get_h_scroll_bar() returns the current state. The default state is to display it when needed.
See also